
Environment Audio Visuals (EAV) is dedicated to producing quality programs about important environmental and sustainability issues.   Established in 1982 EAV has  provided a wide range of schools, community groups, councils and governments with informative and inspiring educational programs.  These programs have helped raise awareness and educate the wider community about serious environmental issues such as climate change.


Climate change poses a serious threat to the social and economic welfare of our lives.

Virtually all scientists agree that the main cause of global warming comes from human activity, primarily through electricity generation, and transportation activities.  Wildlife, human health and economies worldwide are threatened by climate change.

In 2006, the worlds largest economic evaluation on climate change was released by British economist Nicolas Stern.  The Stern report states that if countries don’t act now,

then the economic impacts of climate change will be severe.  The report put the cost of global warming and its effects at $9 trillion – a bill greater than the combined cost of the two world wars and the great depression.

Climate change will affect all of us and unless something is done about it now, it will be too late.


One of the most effective ways to change society in a positive way is to provide reliable and informative education.  EAV upholds this philosophy by providing quality educational programs and resources.  Our programs are aimed for students, industry professionals, community groups, politicians or individuals that want to learn more about environmental and sustainability topics.

EAV is also proud to highlight the action taken by small communities and individuals who are showing leadership on these important issues.

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